Mittwoch, Juni 22, 2005

Shy�s wondering what her humans are doing with all this gravel. She thinks that 75 tons of dog food would have been the better choice. Posted by Hello

ìt´s been a while...

It´s been a while since my last blog, but we´ve been pretty busy.
We`ve got 75 tons (!) of gravel for our new dog yard and we distributed almost everything by hand. Was a good fitness training :-) The dogs were looking pretty astonishid what we´re doing all the time, while they were relaxing in the sun pretty lazy (or looked outside from their dog houses when it rained)
The cabin is almost done. Last paintings and isolations are done by Michael and then still the glass for te windows and door has to be fit in. I think this week-end it´ll be ready to move in.
Since this week I spend my spare time with learning for the exam. July 31st will be soon. I´m missing the time outside with the dogs but otherwise I won´t have a chance to finish my exam; but maybe I`ll learn a bit outside on the terrace of the cabin (if the dogs let me....)
We decided that the big swim lake has to wait until next year due to a lack of time and money, because we still need a new wood stove, wood for heating, a new isolation of the house roof (my job after the exam) and the dog truck has to be rebuilt with new boxes and space for our eleven monster puppies. After we get them blood tested they´ll be ready to go for fall/winter training to Norway or Sweden with Michael and the other race dogs.
So far for today. As soon as I get the pictures developed I´ll post some. Enoy the sunshine and nature :-)

Dienstag, Juni 07, 2005

Aren´t they our little ghosts who lighten up our day and spirit every day again?! Posted by Hello